Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Last of the February pictures before the year gets away from us!

 Adoration...on both ends!

Kellcyn's first time in the bumbo seat (February 25 - 6 weeks and 1 day).  She loves it!

 As it turns out, it's also a good place for a nap...but of course, for KB, any place is a good place for a nap!

 Kellcyn started daycare on February 27.  They must wear her out there, because she's even more of a sleepyhead now!!

 Kellcyn's face is cracking me up!
 Real life:  Two kids screaming.  One because she's upset...the other just because she thinks it's funny to yell.

 Emi thought that kb needed a "tent".

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Emiley is really enjoying books lately (she's always enjoyed them, just more so now) and she also really enjoys "reading" to Kellcyn.  Kellcyn is lucky to have a big sister like Emiley to read to her.

 ...and push her around the house in the stroller.  Kellcyn, my dear, I think you'll have to learn to speak up pretty quickly or your big sister is going to rope you into a whole lot of things :)

 Momma's only got a handful of days left home with baby girl before I go back to work and Kellcyn starts going to daycare.

 Kellcyn still sleeps an awful, awful lot, but she's starting to be awake more and is enjoying "playing".

 Kellcyn and I went to cut firewood with Daddy this morning.  That's said in the loosest sense of the form, as we really just sat in the truck 90% of the time.

 Rrrrr...she's mean!  Haha!

 Soooo sleeeeeeepy!!

 This was KB's very first time outside, as in not in the carseat.  She and I were out there for about two minutes.  It was 50 degrees, but still kind of chilly for little miss when she's used to 70 degrees in the house!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Kellcyn is supervising while Sister makes "treats" for her friends at daycare.
 Happy Valentine's Day from the Riker Sisters!

 Emiley danced at the Pike Central game Tuesday night, the 14th.  KB was pretty interested!  I'll betcha it won't be long though!

 Miss Kellcyn's personality is starting to come out.  She's starting to be awake more often and about half the time, she's content to just lay or sit up and look around, but the other half of the time she's definitely wanting attention from someone!