Monday, March 12, 2012

March comes in like a lion...not at the Riker house...not too much notable going on with Kellcyn yet this month...

March 6: I guess Kellcyn Brooke wants to be like her big sister...We're officially making the switch to soy-based formula for her. She was on the gentle and doing okay, but lately she's been spitting up more frequently and acting like she's got a tummy ache. We started soy on Sunday, and she's doing much, much better with very little spitting up, not acting like her tummy hurts, and she seems to drink the soy much better. Hopefully this doesn't mean that her "milk sensitivity" is going to be worse than Em's because Em's didn't surface until we started giving her actual cow's milk....

 Sweet baby smiles!!!

 Sister, both at ~7 weeks.  I don't think they look too much alike right now.

 Looks like Atticus Jude is glad to be bigger than someone!

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