Thursday, January 12, 2012

After being on bedrest since Friday, I went to the doctor yesterday. My blood pressure was 166/110, so of course, it was back to the hospital. As usual, my blood pressure was pretty good while on the monitor. This time though, doc wanted to keep me over night. I tell ya, hospital beds really are not very comfortable, especially when ya have to follow all kinds of rules, like no sleeping on your back. Ha! Well, the ol bp didn't do too bad overnight, but this morning it's been running 160+/95-117. Yeah, 117...pretty great, eh?
The doc was in the morning and had said that based on what they had told him about the night he was thinking of sending me home, but from the looks of things this morning, he said I needed to stick around for a while.
Doc said that if it would go down and stay down, i would be headed home, but if it keeps fluctuating like it has been, we are likely to start some cytotec tonight. It's gone down some, but it's still not great, so chances are looking pretty good that K will be here soon...


  1. (sigh) Things just can't be easy, can they? Thanks for the update. Still saying prayers for all of you.

  2. Thank you, dear! Prayers are definitely appreciated!
