Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Well, we're home!
I haven't updated in a few days (things are a little busier!)
Saturday morning, the nurse brought Kellcyn into my room about 9 and she was ng tube-free and they said that she'd eaten pretty well over the night, though she was spitting up quite a bit.  She continued to spit up pretty frequently through the day Saturday, and didn't eat too much, so Saturday night, we switched her to the "gentle" formula, and she slowed down on the spitting up quite a bit!  Thank goodness!
We had lots of visitors in the hospital Saturday, and Sunday Kellcyn got checked out by Dr. Porter and was given the go ahead to come home!  we left the hospital around 2 on Sunday and headed home!  Big sis came home, and we had some visitors.  Our first night at home went really smoothly.  Kellcyn woke up to eat a few times through the night, but slept very well.
Monday we had a busy day, doing some running to get some errands done.  Kellcyn had her first visits to Wal-Mart and MiPueblo...gotta start her off right.  We're at both of those places quite a bit.  Night two was just as good as night number one.  We've got a pretty good sleeper so far.  Kellcyn is pretty good natured, but really does NOT like her diaper changed.
Tuesday we had to do a little bit more running around, including going to dance class. 
Today, we've just stayed at home to rest!  Kellcyn is still doing great!  Almost no spitting up at all!  She's up to eating right about 2 ounces of formula every 3-5 hours.  She started out eating just a little less than an ounce every 3-4 hours, so we're glad she's finally getting the hang of the eating thing!

January 13 (Day 1)

January 14 (Day 2)

 January 15 (Day 3)

 January 16 (Day 4)

 January 17 (Day 5)

 January 18 (Day 6)

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