Friday, January 13, 2012

Birth time line and a little bit of difficulty

January 12th at 820 pm took cytotec to start inducing labor. Cervix was 2 cm.
By 9:30, contractions were more frequent and more intense, but nothing too uncomfortable.
January 13, 2012
At 12:20am took a second dose of cytotec
4:30am brought more cytotec; more frequent and intense contractions
At 8:00 am, cervix was dilated to 3cm and 70% effaced. Dr Frances broke my water at that time.
At 8:45 am, my epidural was started and at 9:00 am, pitocin was started.
I was dilated to 4 cm at 11:00.
At 12:15, I was at 6cm. At this point, I told the nurses that with Emiley, I went from 6 to ready to push in no time flat.
I knew it was time to start pushing, so at 12:58 I started pushing.
No more than 5-10 sets of pushes and 17 short minutes later, Kellcyn was born at 1:15pm.
Adam and I and Nan and Grandma and Grandpa got to hold KB before they took her to get cleaned up.
Daddy got the official stats: 7 pounds, 8 ounces and 20 1/2 inches.
She's sporting quite a bit of dark hair and looking quite adorable.
The nurse reported a little while later that KB was getting a bath and was having a little bit of a hard time breathing and had some green gunk when she was suctioned.
A chest x-ray was ordered to get her lungs checked out...she is 4 weeks early, so lung trouble is pretty common.
She is apparently breathing pretty hard and fast in the oxygen tent, so Dr. L ordered an NG tube for her feedings as of right now, as she is at risk for aspirating anything from the bottle because of her rapid breathing.
That's the latest.

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