Saturday, December 31, 2011

Update from another doctor's visit, KB.  We went to the doctor yesterday.  Momma's blood pressure was 154/94...not great, but not horrible.  Doc wants Momma to start taking another blood pressure medicine (Norvasc/Amlodinine), which is the same medicine that I started taking with Emiley at 34 weeks.  Maybe you girls will be just alike!  We were supposed to have another non-stress test, but I guess they forgot to put that into the computer last week.  No big deal.  The doctor had them do a quick s/d ratio, which is an ultrasound to measure the blood flow through the umbilical cord.  She said it was 2.0, which is "great", although I don't have any idea what that means.  The doctor said, "We will try to get you to 37 weeks, but it may be sooner than that."
Keep growing and staying healthy, KB.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Kellcyn and I made another visit to the doctor's office on Friday.  We saw the nurse practitioner and did a non-stress test, which is where we're hooked up to a monitor and Kellcyn's heart rate is monitored to see if it increases with movement.  "Stinker", "wild woman" and "very active" were all words used to describe Miss K that morning by the office staff.  The NP even said "I don't think I've ever heard a baby move that much!"  Kellcyn was quite noisy on the monitor...doing summersaults or something.  She's pretty much like that all the time.  She's paying me back for telling Daddy a while back that it seemed like she might be more calm and laid back than Em because she doesn't do a lot of moving.
Anyhow, the appointment went well.  Even though we spent more time just trying to get K's heart rate to read because of all of the movement, it sure enough does go up when she moves.  KB's heart rate was 151.  My blood pressure was 139/86, which the NP said was "kind of high for a normal person but pretty good" for me.  Ha!  We go back again on Friday!

Friday, December 16, 2011

We're getting there, baby K.  Yesterday, you were 32 weeks and today we had a good doctor's appointment!  Momma's blood pressure was much better than last week, so the Aldomet 3x/day is working for now!  That's exciting news!  Something ironic that I discovered today was that I started taking Aldomet with Em at 31 weeks and 1 day and the very same happened with you!  I guess you and your sis are more alike in some ways than I keep thinking you might be.  Your heart rate today was 137.  We go back next week (and once a week from here on out) to do a non-stress test, which will tell us if your heart rate is increasing when you're moving about, like it's supposed to.  It's just precaution with the medications and blood pressure.
Speaking of moving, you do plenty on most days and on other days you're a sleepy little thing and just squirm a little bit.
We can't wait to meet you, KB, but for now, just keep growing!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Getting there on Kellcyn's room...
Here are the latest addition's to K's room.

It says:
God made you Adventurous, Brave, Caring, Daring, Entertaining, Faithful, Genuine, Helpful, Inquisitive, Joyful, Kind, Loyal, Miraculous, Noble, Original, Patient, Quirky, Radiant, Spontaneous, Trusting, Unique, Vibrant, Wonderful, eXciting, You, Zealous

Planning on adding KB's birthdate and stats to the kellcyn brooke board on top.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Kellcyn Brooke, you and I got to hang out in the hospital for a little while on Friday afternoon/evening.  That was a bit of a surprise.  My blood pressure, of course, is generally not very good, but the past couple of days it's been getting up there quite a bit, so I called the doctor's office.  I just expected them to say that I should increase the Aldomet to 3 times a day.  Instead, the nurse wanted me to come in to the office, so off we went.
At the office, my blood pressure was 160/100, but luckily there was no protein present in my urine, which would be a sign of preeclampsia.  The nurse practitioner measured my belly and listened to your heart rate (132-144) and said that that all sounded good.  She took my bp while I was laying down and it was quite a bit better, but still not great (something like 146/87), so she decided to do some blood work.  Dr. F then decided that since it was Friday afternoon, he wanted us to just go ahead over to the hospital to get the blood drawn, so we could be monitored and he could have the results before I was released.  So off we went.
We hung out in a room hooked up to some monitors (momma for blood pressure) and you just for movement and stuff.  You apparently were not a fan because you kept trying to hide.  You even would kick the monitor away when the nurse was trying to find you with it.  Stinker!
In the end, all was well and they sent us on our way with instructions to increase the Aldomet to three times a day, "take it easy" and go back to the office on Friday.
Let's hope this works for a while.  We would like to meet you soon, but you need to keep growing for a little while longer, and Momma would prefer not to have to lay around on bedrest until then.