Friday, December 16, 2011

We're getting there, baby K.  Yesterday, you were 32 weeks and today we had a good doctor's appointment!  Momma's blood pressure was much better than last week, so the Aldomet 3x/day is working for now!  That's exciting news!  Something ironic that I discovered today was that I started taking Aldomet with Em at 31 weeks and 1 day and the very same happened with you!  I guess you and your sis are more alike in some ways than I keep thinking you might be.  Your heart rate today was 137.  We go back next week (and once a week from here on out) to do a non-stress test, which will tell us if your heart rate is increasing when you're moving about, like it's supposed to.  It's just precaution with the medications and blood pressure.
Speaking of moving, you do plenty on most days and on other days you're a sleepy little thing and just squirm a little bit.
We can't wait to meet you, KB, but for now, just keep growing!

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