Saturday, December 31, 2011

Update from another doctor's visit, KB.  We went to the doctor yesterday.  Momma's blood pressure was 154/94...not great, but not horrible.  Doc wants Momma to start taking another blood pressure medicine (Norvasc/Amlodinine), which is the same medicine that I started taking with Emiley at 34 weeks.  Maybe you girls will be just alike!  We were supposed to have another non-stress test, but I guess they forgot to put that into the computer last week.  No big deal.  The doctor had them do a quick s/d ratio, which is an ultrasound to measure the blood flow through the umbilical cord.  She said it was 2.0, which is "great", although I don't have any idea what that means.  The doctor said, "We will try to get you to 37 weeks, but it may be sooner than that."
Keep growing and staying healthy, KB.

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